Welcome to 'Bail Out'

Comments from some of our cast & crew: "Whattya Think?"

Eileen Pickard
Media Supervisor

I have been working with Dennis on the Bail Out Project since 2009. Dennis has put his heart and soul in Bail Out since day one. He has worked endless hours on this project, and never gave up. I knew Bail Out was going to be a success the second I watched the trailer. Not only does Jimmy and Marty have such good chemistry but their relationship is not just based on a working relationship but on a genuine friendship, they truly care about each other. I am honored to be a part of something so spectacular. This show is destined for outstanding success because of one man and his dream. Dennis O’Neill. By the way, I am also Dennis’ #1 Fan…always have been always will be!!

Rob Worley
Bar Owner/Bartender

Great meeting Dennis! Thanks for inviting me to be a part of the show and to help out the crew! I feel very blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful group of people. You are a fabulous acting coach and all around great guy and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to learn from than you. May God continue to bless the cast and crew of Bail Out!

Misti Fields
Crew/2nd AD
Dennis, I just really want to thank you for your amazing speeches on set. Your speech on Saturday moved me and inspired me more than you will ever know. It really helped me stay focused and driven, which I really needed that day! THANK YOU, BAIL OUT FAM!

Joy Freeman-Deleon
Talent Wrangler/Craft Services
Acting has been something I have wanted to do all my life but I was afraid to take the first step. When I was a little girl, my sister and I used to write plays and act them out in front of our parents and family. We wrote plays about pirates, Bigfoot, sea monsters and runaway little girls. However, a series of tragic life events squashed any self-esteem I had as a child and young girl and that lingered into my adult life.

Last year, when my husband was preparing for deployment yet again, I decided to take the leap of faith to follow my dream of acting. The first step was scary and I had no idea that a year later I would meet people who have literally changed my life in the last few months.
I believe God puts people in your life for a purpose. The purpose may not always make sense but it helps to prepare you for the next scenes of your life. Over the course of the last year, so many people were always talking about this person named Dennis O’Neill. The conversion was always positive about Dennis. I kept telling myself one day I will meet Dennis. Something or someone kept telling me I must meet him. Well as God’s plan or destiny, whatever you want to callit, two friends began taking his acting class and loved it and told me I had to sign up for his class. At the time my work schedule was not lining up with the days he has class and I was really struggling with working full time and wanting to devote more time to my acting. Next thing you know my work schedule changed and at the urging of Rob and Meagan I attended Dennis’ class on a Tuesday and my life has not been the same. Dennis is so passionate, caring and does not let you sit on the sidelines and watch; he wants you in the game.

Then there is this show called Bail Out created by Dennis. Everything and everyone came together so willingly, passionately, and bam we are off to the races. Being on the set of Bail Out has been so refreshing, everyone is always happy to be there, do whatever is needed and with a smile on their face. We are truly a family, it just feels right. This where I (we) am supposed to be. The caliber of talent in front of the camera and behind the scenes is captivating.
Bail Out is one of those events in my life that I know is part of my life for a reason. I am so thankful for Dennis O’Neill and Bail Out.

Nicholas Pinder
Music Supervisor

I know I’m not the most outgoing individual and definitely not the first to speak up. Normally I’m in musical lala land most of the time, but I did want to express this: This production is a beautiful family of devoted, creative and inspiring people. I’m not only grateful for being a part of it, but I believe such a project can rekindle my faith in film productions as a whole in this town, where it seems so much has been lost, dwindled and tattered. Film and the motion picture arts in general to me is like any other art, whether it be music, painting, dancing…it has to start with a passion, with energy, and with a desire to simply create something; something possibly wonderful and amazing. I believe we have just that. A group of people with passion, energy and desire to create something amazing and wonderful that we want to share with the world. Now I must return to the bat cave.

Cody Cowan
Make-up Dept.

I am humbled at the energy and the love that the cast and crew of Bail Out has shown Bombshell Factory over these last days of shooting. I have received so much support and encouragement. Thank you Dennis O’Neill for this opportunity. Your energy has attracted the most amazing people in this industry. Thank you all for the friend requests and the post. It really warms my heart. I think it is having an effect on the weather. I truly have made some lifelong friends. There truly is no business like show business like no business I know. I hope you all have a Bombshelltastic weekend. PS. This is my record for the longest post. Please note any improper use of English syntax is intended to convey my emotional state, and how proud I am.

Scarlette Martin
Webseries Actress

Thank you Dennis for all you have helped me see and become! He took my gift and brought me before great men great women.

Roni Hummel
Craft Services

Thank you Dennis this has been the most amazing experiences to date in my book of working on a set with so many talented local and some not so local but mostly local cast and crew I’m like besides myself, especially last night I felt like I was really amongst the Mob in New Yawk, very fun to play! You’re the best! Love working with the heavy hitters in this industry last night..all I can say is wow, let’s keep doing it!

Jon L. Yowell

It was a pleasure and an honor to be on set with you last night during the Bail Out shoot. I saw and visited many old friends, and I even made a few new ones.  I believe the reason for the wonderful atmosphere the entire evening was due to YOUR kindness and graciousness. You were not just the Bail Out director/producer/creator last night. You were our host and friend. Thank you again for a wonderful evening, Dennis.

Beverly Young
1st AC, 2nd Unit Camera

This past week has been one of the best ever that I’m gonna blow up some balloons and run across a field with it. Thank You, BAIL OUT cast & crew, and Dennis O’Neill, you all make it amazing and a joy to work on set!! So proud to know you all!! Now let’s make a hit show happen!

Al Dias
NYC Councilman Joe Esposito

I just want to say it was a pleasure working with everyone last night on the Bail Out “Whattya Kiddin Me” episode. Thanks to Dennis O’Neill for bringing us all together to “Live in the Moment.” Let’s make this a hit. A humble cast with Industry heavy weights such as Nick Mancuso, Marshall Teague, Nellie Sciutto, Terry Kiser, Burton Gilliam and more. To the hardworking crew and to Success and as Dennis O’Neill says “Acting is Believing”! Do it!!!

Cathy Mancuso

Dennis, My Dear Friend, just want to thank you for letting me be a part of your Dream. I had the best time ever last night, mostly enjoyed meeting your crew and cast members, everyone was unbelievably friendly, I didn’t know any one when I got there and they treated me like I was part of the family. You are truly a wonderful man and I am so proud to be your friend. May God keep Blessing you, and May all your Dreams keep falling in place.

Jake McEntire
Preppy Thug

So happy and honored to be a part of the Bail Out family! Thank you Dennis and everyone for making it an amazing experience. My favorite part, besides acting, was getting to meet all of you incredibly gifted and generous people, and hearing Dennis’ pep talks before each shoot! I think I could hear one of those every day for the rest of my life!

Dennis O’Neill
NYPD Detective Jimmy O’Neill
Director/Writer/Creator of Bail Out

There’s no question everyone was blessed, overjoyed, happy and felt exceptionally proud to be part of the Bail Out Project, now called The Bail Out Family. I have been inundated, (in a good way) with text messages, phone calls, emails, etc. about how people are feeling about the atmosphere, the experience, etc. I cannot find words to express my gratitude. I’m privileged, honored, and amazed that such a talented cast, PA’s, 1st. & 2nd AD’s, assistants, DP, hair, make up, FX, wardrobe, set design, contracts, craft services, and many more are on board. So many professionals have joined this project. It’s humbling. This is truly history in the making. My arms are held up, my mind is at rest, my confidence is at its peak all due to all of you. My respect for you is never ending. Thank you for Living with me…In the Moment.

Shawn Stipich
Pro Wrestler
My particular experience with “Bail Out” is limited to just one day so far. But the day that I did spend on set a couple of weeks back was that of great acting, passion, support, commitment, encouragement, fellowship, direction, focus, and an inspired vision that is manifesting into action and therefore into reality. That in itself was a great energy to be around and to take with me into other realms of my life not just to the pursuit of the acting/entertainment world, but something that transcends into the personal, physical, and that of a spiritual realm of life. There is always something much more for us to learn with every positive experience than what seems to present itself just at its surface. Look deeper and find what that is, and then use it for its good that was intended. Make it a wonderful day folks!!!

Melodee Lenz
Detective Ange

Just look at the energy. Every person in that room, everyone involved, and I mean everyone was healed by this experience. Healed. There have been angels unseen in every scene. I’m completely serious.

Only a week before the shoot I was stranded on the side of a highway, 200 miles away with a broken axle, 25 dollars cash, and wondering what in the world I was going to do. I had no reason to be alive because the car was being held together by a strip of rubber that magically wound itself around the rod and held the wheels on until I reached the only gas station in 250 miles. I had made a trip that was terribly flawed from the moment I left Dallas to go there. I wrote 3 people negative letters saying to get out of my life, and the minute I walked in the door at Taboo that night of the read thru, I was healed, my faith was restored in myself, and bigger than that, I had faith in a creative project that for the first time in years.

That feeling grew with each day of the shoot and I realized everyone involved was INVOLVED on a very spiritual level. That never happens and especially that effortlessly.