Welcome to 'Bail Out'

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Coming Soon.....

Get ready folks....the new action packed trailer of 'Bail Out' is coming very soon...it's going to knock your socks off.

Friday, April 20, 2012

From Dennis O'Neill to the Cast & Crew of 'Bail Out'

"We sometimes hide our mistakes because of shame, disappointment, regret and sorrow. If you've made mistakes on this project then you must look at the big picture. You're mistakes are insignificant to the successes you've achieved for Bail Out. Its time to forget your mistakes because I have. I cannot even tell you of one mistake that I remember. If I forgot them you NEED to forget them as well. Dwell on what is recognized...You're loyalty, tenacity, wisdom, intelligence, fortitude...If I go on, there won't be enough room on this page to list them all. When you think you haven't done enough...Stop thinking! You have all gone beyond the call of duty. There is no one like you. Not one of you. You are a unique brick in the wall. When I think of how much more some of you can do, you just surprise and surpass me. What a mountainous strength and encouragement you all are. Thank you is pale compared to what I really feel."

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Guess Who is Walking the Red Carpet?

Bail Out's.. Vanessa Leinani who plays the role of Detective Jade and Dennis O'Neill are walking the Red Carpet tomorrow, (Thursday) at the Dallas International Film Festival to talk about our latest project, Bail Out to the press. Very exciting times for all involved.